Friday, March 20, 2009

The Week of March 23rd

So this week we continue our tour of the Romantic poets, visiting with Byron, Coleridges, Shelley and Keats, as well as moving along on research papers. The due dates next week are:

Wednesday, March 25: Pride and Prejudice and accompanying work needs to be finished.

Friday, March 27: Annotated Bibliographies, in your research notebook, are due in class.

You also have to do the following assignment on Pride and Prejudice. You can do this as soon as you've finished the book.

Inside and Outside With Miss Austen

Please go back through the text and locate the following passages. Please look at WHERE these events take place:

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth’s first meetings (chs. 3, 8, 9)
Mr. Darcy’s first proposal (chapter 34)
Darcy’s delivery of the letter about Wickham and Elizabeth’s comprehension of it(chs. 35 & 36)
Elizabeth and Darcy’s meeting at Pemberly(ch. 43)
Elizabeth’s reading of Mrs. Gardiner’s letter about Darcy’s involvement in Lydia’s marriage (ch. 52)
Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth reunited for the first time (ch. 53)
Elizabeth’s interview with Lady Catherine (ch.56)
Elizabeth and Darcy reach “an understanding”(ch. 58)

Please take notes on these and attach them to your open response.

Having considered this range of experiences and their location, please, in an open response to be turned in, speculate on WHY these events occur inside or outside. What might Austen be suggesting about these events by locating them indoors or outdoors?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Homework for the Week of March 16

Hi Guys,

So not much new this week.

Ongoing: Pride and Prejudice plus 25 djs...Research and annotated bibliography (due March 27)

Due: Wednesday, March 18: Book Club presentation

Remember, for the annotated bibliography your entry is:

Name of Source:
Complete Bibliographic Citation:
SUMMARY(not description):
How you could use:
Key quotations:

For photos and documents, replace summary with description and no quotations.

Here's a reminder of how to do your citations. I will NOT accept incorrect citations. Time to get really uptight about punctuation....

How to Do Different Kinds of Bibliographic Source Citations

General Rule: If you don’t have complete information, especially an author’s name, use what you do have in the same order.

An Article From The Internet:

Author’s Last Name, First Name(if available). “Title of Article.” Name of Website. Date of

Examples(all of which are actual resources you can look up for help doing citations):

“Citation.” Wikipedia. 11 May 2007 <>

“How do I document sources from the Web in my works-cited list?” Modern Languages Association.
11 May 2007

Liethen Kunka, Jennifer and Joe Barbato. “MLA Formatting and Style Guide.” The Owl at Purdue.
Purdue U. 11 May 2007 <>

A Book:

Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication.


Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York, NY: Harper Perennial, 2006.

An Interview:

Interviewee’s Last Name, First Name. Interview with the Author. Date.

Smith, Joe. Interview with the Author. 2 February 2006.

A Personal Letter:

Author’s Last Name, First Name. Letter to --------------. Date.

Smith, Joe. Letter to Mary Smith. 2 February 2006.

An Email:

Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Subject Line.” Email to the Author. Date.

Smith, Joe. “Re: Your Questions.” Email to the Author. 2 February 2006.

A Photograph:

Photographer’s Last Name, First Name (if not known, write Photographer Unknown). Title of
Photograph (description). Place of photograph, date.

Smith, Mary. Photograph of Joe Smith. Malden, MA: 2 March 2001.

A Document, Diploma, Award, etc.:

Issuing Agency. Title of Document. Place issued, date.

Malden Public Schools. High School Diploma of Joe Smith. Malden, MA: 6 June 2001.

United States Government. Passport of Joe Smith. 12 April 2001.

Massachusetts High School Drama Guild. All Star Cast Award for Joe Smith. Brookline, MA: 3
March 2000.