Welcome new APES!
Below you will find all the discussion areas for the summer reading books. Comment away! Don't forget to back up what you're saying, remember you can't comment twice in a row AND that you have to have three posts done by the end of July, and be nice.
This area is open space. In the past, students have used it to comment on their college searches, other books you are reading, whatever...
In this spirit, here are Ms. Clapp's list of colleges she would love to have a student go to someday(i.e., where I went, plus where I would have applied if I knew then what I know now...except CalTech, since I don't really love the math, but I still think it's cool):
1. Reed College
2. St. John's College (Annapolis, MD/Santa Fe, NM)
3. Wesleyan University
4. Carleton College
5. Grinnell College
6. Pomona College
7. Swarthmore College
8. CalTech
9. Middlebury College
Any takers?