Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Welcome new APES!

Below you will find all the discussion areas for the summer reading books. Comment away! Don't forget to back up what you're saying, remember you can't comment twice in a row AND that you have to have three posts done by the end of July, and be nice.

This area is open space. In the past, students have used it to comment on their college searches, other books you are reading, whatever...

In this spirit, here are Ms. Clapp's list of colleges she would love to have a student go to someday(i.e., where I went, plus where I would have applied if I knew then what I know now...except CalTech, since I don't really love the math, but I still think it's cool):

1. Reed College
2. St. John's College (Annapolis, MD/Santa Fe, NM)
3. Wesleyan University
4. Carleton College
5. Grinnell College
6. Pomona College
7. Swarthmore College
8. CalTech
9. Middlebury College

Any takers?

Things Fall Apart...

...the center does not hold. Do things HAVE to fall apart? Or do we make them? Bonus points (in my heart) if you get all physics-y on us...What's coming to our (tragic) hero?

The Remains of the Day

So...Stevens. What do you think of his voice? Do you "buy" him? Do you want to smack him? Just a little? What do you read underneath what he's telling you?

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Okay, so who's confused? How do you feel about the language? Can you identify all the Aurelianos? What do you think of Marquez's use of magical realism, fantastic elements blended into a realistic narrative?

Hint: a very good student last year (cough...Cora Lin) came up with the genius idea of photocopying the family tree and using it for a bookmark...I'm just saying...

How To Read Like A Professor

Here's the space for this fun little book. So what'd you learn? Can you think of books you've read that fit his models? Did it give you new insight into something? Do you now see quests everywhere?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

So no BBQ

Since it doesn't look like there's overwhelming interest/availability, I'm going to go ahead and cancel the BBQ. But it was a great year and congratulations to all on your graduation - what a nice day!