It's Almost That Time...
So the countdown has begun...just 36 hours or so until we're all sitting down in my brand new extra large desks...Let's hope it cools off, since there's still no AC in Jenkins...
So I just wanted to say that I'm really excited to start class this year! I'm quite impressed with the time, thought, and energy that you all have put into the summer work. I've enjoyed reading your blogs...I especially like how many of you have integrated things you've learned from How to Read Literature into your posts about the novels...I've ordered school copies of the book so you will all have a reference copy to use during the year.
As you work on your college essays in preparation for Wednesday, ask yourself what one important thing about yourself you want colleges to know about you...then try to write a single sentence that sums it up. This is a great way to focus your essay: be sure of what you want to communicate!
Oh, and here's a nice piece of news: because we have short periods all this week, the summer reading test isn't until next Tuesday!
See you soon!